Ny Rossi-replika från AGV

Motivet med en höna kan tyckas en aning märkligt även för att vara förknippat med den vilt spexande italienaren. Det hela bygger på en symbolik med en höna som har värpt nio ägg som sedan har visats sig innehålla guld, närmare bestämt VM-guld…

Tekniska fakta
1. 3 shell sizes in SSL (Fibreglass, Kevlar, Carbon )
2. IVS (Integrated Ventilation System) ventilation system with wide channels hollowed directly in the shell for an enhanced air-flow into the helmet and an improved aerodynamic penetration
3. 3 front air vents and 5 rear extractors
4. Visor micro-opening system for an effective anti-fog effect even in bad atmospheric conditions
5. New Shield Mechanism with XQRS (Extra Quick Release System) to replace the visor without tools in few seconds. Safety device to avoid visor detachment in case of fall
6. Detachable nose protector
7. Detachable wind-protector for chin
8. Fully removable and washable (including neckroll) inside padding
9. Multi-featured fabrics with hygienic treatment for maximum comfort; humidity and sweat absorbing Cool Max for forehead, temples, back of the neck areas; hyper-breathable material for the top and rear area for an effective air-flow; micro-fibre material on the cheek pads to guarantee comfort and coolness
10. Double-D retention system
11. Available Sizes: XXS-XXXL
12. Price: 745€



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