Senaste nytt om ZX-10R

ZX-10R har enligt den anställde återkallats på grund av problem med vissa motorer, vid mycket höga varvtal och under hårda körförhållanden, exempelvis vid bankörning.

Det finns fortfarande inget officiellt uttalande från Kawasaki om de tekniska detaljerna, här följer instället Motorcycle News intervju med den Kawasaki-anställde som vill förbli anonym;

MCN: What is the reason for the technical hold?
On some engines, at very high RPM and in harsh operating conditions ie on a race track, there have been some problems.

So was the decision made on a safety issue?
No, based on the information currently available it’s not thought to be a safety issue.

So why wasn’t the problem discovered earlier? After all, testing of the WSB bikes has been heavily reported as was the initial press launch?
This is under investigation.

What does technical hold actually mean?
It’s an internal term – a term that the factory uses. It means the factory will suspend any units that are thought to be suspect and stop delivery and sales until problem solved.

How are the bikes going to be fixed and what will the counter measure be?
This is still under investigation. Kawasaki is investigating potential counter measures and will announce a solution when it is available.

Is this a US only problem?
We thought that maybe it was at first because the technical hold was instigated in the USA and European units weren’t suspended until after the American bikes. But the factory now says all machines produced so far will be checked as a measure – this is not uncommon.

The test bikes at the ZX-10R’s week-long world launch didn’t appear to suffer any problems?
All units at the press introduction were part of the initial mass production run, this means that they too will be checked before going on as press test machines.

Thank you, but that doesn’t tell MCN readers what the actual problem is..
Like many people within Kawasaki, I don’t know, that’s what I am saying…



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